Karen Christopherson

Preplanning/Aftercare Counselor
Karen Christopherson - Larkin Mortuary Staff Profile

Karen Christopherson is a licensed Pre-need Funeral Planner for Larkin Mortuary where she has the unique privilege of assisting families with organizing their final wishes in advance. In addition to Advance Planning, Karen is also passionate about her role as an After Care Specialist where she is able to be a resource for families who have recently experienced loss.

Karen was born and raised in Salt Lake City, attended Westminster College, and graduated with a BS in Business Management with a minor in Art Studies. Six months after graduating, her father died unexpectedly, and the experience led her to change course and pursue a career as a Funeral Pre-planner to help families be more prepared for what may be one of the most difficult days of their lives. A couple years later, her mom was diagnosed with terminal cancer and became the first person Karen helped with a Funeral Pre-plan. She was able to experience first hand the peace that can come with planning these details in advance, and finds so much joy in helping others find this peace as well.

Grieving the loss of both her parents, her brother, and many other friends and family has provided her with the opportunity of perspective, and a great deal of compassion for what we all go through when we have to say goodbye to someone we love. She spent four years volunteering in grief support groups for children and their families at The Sharing Place in Millcreek, UT, and in 2014 received her Certification in Thanatology: Death, Dying and Bereavement from the Association for Death Education and Counseling. She believes there is great beauty in the transformative process of grief that only exists in that process, and finds comfort in transforming grief through art, writing, film photography and music. Eternally curious about how others move through these experiences and always honored to be invited into the conversation.