Darrell LaVal Clegg

1939 ~ 2022

Obituary Photo for Darrell LaVal Clegg

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Darrell LaVal Clegg passed away peacefully surrounded by his loving wife in Sandy Utah on October 25, 2022, at the age of 83. He was born on August 9, 1939, in Park City, Utah, to Elmo and Ruby Clegg. He was the second of two children.

Darrell grew up with his older brother and best friend DaNeil in Park City and Heber. He attended Charleston Elementary School. He loved to reminisce and tell stories of his childhood growing up on the farm. Amidst the work, he and his older brother DaNeil enjoyed fishing, listening to radio programs, lighting sparklers in the house and catching the curtains on fire, sleeping out under the cottonwood tree, and riding his favorite horse Curly. He graduated from Wasatch High School and went on to attend Utah State University and the U of U. During this time, Darrell was called to serve a 30-month mission in the Southern Germany mission from 1959-1962 where he fell in love with the German people, their culture and history. The friendships he made there lasted his entire life. He later fulfilled his dream of taking each of his children and their spouses to Germany to share his love of this beautiful place that was so dear to him.

Following the completion of his missionary service, he met and married Ruth Bean, from Ashland Oregon on October 26, 1962, in the Logan Temple. Together they raised six children. He was extremely proud of each one and made many sacrifices over the years to provide for their care and wellbeing.

With a degree from the U of U in education, Darrell began his teaching career in Tooele before moving to Skyline High School to teach German language. During this time he graduated from BYU with a masters degree in Library Science and later transitioned to the library at Skyline where he enjoyed a total of 30+ years. He spent his last 3 years at Wasatch High School in Heber before retiring in 2000.

Darrell spent many summers working for the Forest Service in the Wasatch Front mountain range. He thoroughly enjoyed hiking the trails, maintaining picnic areas and campgrounds, and made many lifelong friends through his employment.

Later in life his summers were filled working on the farm and building the family cabin. He took immense pride in the construction of that cabin. His personal touch and craftsmanship is found in every detail. He enjoyed working on the cabin with so many friends and neighbors over the years. In the winter, he enjoyed snowmobiling with friends, skiing with family, and perfecting his craft of baking pies.

No one could match Darrell’s work ethic. In retirement, he worked longer and harder than he did when he was employed. He served everyone he knew and often. He would be gone for hours after a snowstorm shoveling snow for the neighbors. He loved working in the garden and was proud of what he grew, especially his corn. He grew several varieties of his favorites and loved to share. It seemed he would give away more fruits and vegetables to family and neighbors than he would eat himself.

He was a faithful member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints throughout his life and enjoyed teaching. His lessons were engaging, thoughtful, and always started with humor or a joke. His love of God and his love for fellow men was exemplified through faithfully serving in many callings including positions at the Bishops Storehouse and the member locator department for the church.

Darrell loved to gather the family together. They often celebrated the 4th of July at a breakfast he hosted and spent Labor day weekend working together at the cabin. Many years ago, he established the cherished tradition of family home evening once a month where all the kids and grandkids would gather to socialize, discuss a gospel topic, and share a dessert. These family meetings have become an event they all look forward to and hope to carry on this tradition.

The family would like to express their sincere gratitude to the staff and care providers at Sunrise Assisted Living in Sandy. Thank you for the tender care given to their dear father.

He is survived by his dear wife of 60 years, Ruth Clegg, his children and their spouses Karen (Jeff) Carter, Alan (Kristen) Clegg, Diane (Jim) Redman, Kevin (Kathryn) Clegg, Richard (Amy) Clegg, Andrew Clegg, 25 grandchildren and 7 great-grandchildren. He is preceded in death by his parents Elmo and Ruby Clegg, older brother DaNeil Clegg, and many aunts, uncles and cousins.

There will be a viewing on Friday evening, November 4, 2022 from 6:00 to 8:00pm and Saturday, morning, November 5, 2022 from 9:30 - 10:30am. Funeral services will follow at 11:00am. The viewing and funeral service will be held at the LDS meeting house at 9636 South 1700 East, Sandy Utah. Interment at Midway Cemetery.

If you would like to watch the services online, please click on the blue "Watch Services" button above. You will be required to sign into your Zoom account, To sign up for your own free account, visit the Zoom sign-up page and enter your email address. You will receive an email from Zoom (no-reply@zoom.us). In this email, click Activate Account. The recorded services will be posted here within 24 hours of the service.


I thoroughly enjoyed all of my interactions with Darrell. He will be missed

- Blake Johnson

We were so sorry to hear of the passing of our dear friend and classmate, Darrell! He was a wonderful man and we were blessed to be recipients of his friendship and kindnesses. We send our love to Ruth and family as well as our appreciation for all the years we have known the family! Blessings to all!

- Rose and Bill Milliner

Darrell is such a kind and caring man. It was a blessing to call him a friend. I was one the recipients of his many kind deeds, from sharing fruit to having him help prune our fruit trees. We were blessed to serve together in Church service. I even memorized a cowboy poem many years ago because of his talents and encouragement. We will soon welcome one of his many grandsons to our Puerto Rico mission where we are serving in the mission office. We send our love to Ruth and all of the Clegg family. Elder y Hermana Dahl

- Greg Dahl

Darrell was a dear friend and Skyline associate for 30 years. He was kind, thoughtful, smiling, humble, always warm and friendly to all and most helpful. In the library, with access to recording equipment and resources, he taped music for my theatrical productions as well as sound cues. Always a positive disposition and a kind, thoughtful attitude, Darrell exemplified the true spirit of a good Christian. I will always cherish the friendship of Darrell and the goodness he personified. Condolences to Ruth and family and may his memory always be revered.

- Tom Stokoe

Saddened at the passing of such a wonderful man and a true friend! Many enjoyable time we have had with the Clegg! Our thoughts and prayers are with you Ruth and your great family! May Gods choices blessings carry you through the coming days!

- Bob and Merle Davis

My condolences to your family. He was my German teacher in High School. l have many happy memories of him teaching us. I ended up with a career at a German company. I have missed his gentle spirit through the years.
May the Lord bring you peace at this time of grief

- Roseann Lambert Hnath

Ruth & Clegg family: We wish you our sincere condolences. Darrell and I grew up in Heber Valley in the little community of Daniel, Utah. We were poured out of the same mold. We were "do it yourselfers" and enjoyed construction (building our family cabins) in the Uintah mountains east of Heber, Utah in Lake Creek Canyon.( Timber Lakes) We built them about the same years. We enjoyed snowmobiling , fishing and hunting together. He was a great friend and we will really miss him. God Speed Darrell. We love you!

- Reed & Kathleen Thacker

Darrell was a wonderful friend and neighbor. He worked harder than anyone I know and loved every minute of it. I will miss all the conversations in the yard, by the mailbox or when he brought me a bag full of apples. Ruth, his kids and grandkids are all in my prayers. Say Hi to Larry for me Darrell.

- Janis Kershaw

Darrell is a great man and dear friend. I love him and his dear family, at least his sweet wife, Ruth and their six children that I remember. Beyond that I know he has a large posterity that I do not know but can tell them that they are very blest to have been born in that great family. Darrell is a very loving and sharing person with an admirable work ethic. I join you in looking forward to being with him again.
Love, Irv and Pat Gardner

- Irv Gardner