Jacqueline Jorgensen

1938 ~ 2023

Obituary Photo for Jacqueline Jorgensen


8539 South 2200 West, West Jordan, Utah
Saturday Mar 11, 2023 9:30 AM

Funeral Service

8539 South 2200 West, West Jordan, Utah
Saturday Mar 11, 2023 11:00 AM

Funeral Service - Virtual Attendance

Click "Watch Services" link below
Saturday Mar 11, 2023 11:00 AM

Jacqueline Fae Jorgensen passed away in Saratoga Springs, Utah, on February 3, 2023. She was born on February 13, 1938, to Herbert Plewe and Sarah Johnson in Salt Lake City, Utah, and was the oldest of four children. Jackie was married for 55 years to John Christian Jorgensen, who passed away in 2015. They were parents to five children, 20 grandchildren, and nine great-grandchildren.

In her youth, Jackie loved to sing, ski (water and snow), and was active in school activities. She attended East High School and earned a teaching degree from the University of Utah where she was a member of the Delta Gamma sorority. Jackie taught home economics until her first child, Greg, arrived.

After eight years in California, where John had his first job out of college, the Jorgensen’s moved to Moberly, Missouri, where they lived for 48 years and raised all five of their children. Jackie was active in the community, serving as a cub scout leader, PTO president, director of the Little Dixie Concert Association, an ambassador for the Moberly Chamber of Commerce, and a member of the Sorosis women’s organization. She enjoyed exercising with her friends at the YMCA.

Three years after the passing of her husband, Jackie moved back “home” to her native Utah, where she could be closer to her sister Carol, brother Rick, and daughter Jennifer. She also loved getting together with all the grandchildren who came to Utah to attend college. One of her favorite activities was inviting relatives to her home on Sunday nights so she could cook for them.

Besides her family, the most important thing in Jackie’s life was her faith in God. She was a lifelong member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and served in almost every calling available to women in the church. She had an unwavering belief in Jesus Christ and looked forward to reuniting with her husband, John.

Jackie Jorgensen passed away on Friday, February 3, 2023, 355 days into her 85th year. She was preceded in death by her brother Jay and her husband, John. She is survived by her sister Carol Scott, and brother Rick Plewe, both of Salt Lake City, Utah, and all five of her children, Greg of Albuquerque, NM; Brad of Birmingham, AL; Scott of Olathe, KS; Matt of Idaho Falls, ID; and Jennifer Skousen of Saratoga Springs, UT. Funeral Services will be held on Saturday, March 11, 2023, in West Jordan, Utah.

Funeral services will be held at 11AM on Saturday, March 11, 2023, at the Garden Cove Ward, 8539 South 2200 West in West Jordan, Utah. A viewing will be held prior to the funeral services beginning at 9:30AM. Interment will follow at the Salt Lake City Cemetery where she will be buried her husband, John, parents, and other relatives.

Funeral services will be streamed via Zoom for those wishing to attend virtually, or unable to attend in person. To watch the previously held funeral services, please click the "Watch Services" link above.


Jackie Jorgensen was a wonderful person – loving wife and mother, caring and welcoming to all, the ‘go to’ person if one needed help or advise, smart, good looking, fun, enjoyable to be with, and a great hostess and cook. She and her late husband John were dear and close friends with my late wife, Marcia, and me. I miss them all.
David Zacheis

- David Zacheis

Jackie is a one of a kind lady! I have long admired many things about her. One of my first memories of Jackie was years ago at young women’s girls camp I was attending where she and two other leaders did a lip sync at an evening campfire to “Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka Dot Bikini” (in costume😂). She had a great sense of humor, was easy going, but also a GET IT DONE type of person! I loved serving as her counselor in the Young Women’s organization at church. I remember her opening her house to all sorts of activities, even a sleep over. She was wonderful at organizing, but also able to say “whatever” if things weren’t perfect. At church, Jackie was our daughter Laurens nursery leader for a short time, then both of our daughters activity day leader, and she and John were our son Williams cub scout leaders. She has been an influence for good to our entire family. Because of the special friendship she had with my mother-in-law, Jackie really feels like part of our family. We have shared holidays together and she once stayed with us for a couple of days when visiting Moberly. My last conversation with Jackie kind of sums up the type of person she is. A little before Christmas she called to tell me I needed to do her a favor. The relief society of her ward had been given the challenge of saving extra change throughout the year in a “Christmas” jar to then be given to someone at Christmas time. She had a specific person from Moberly in mind and wanted us to anonymously deliver it. I agreed, so she mailed me the jar, but had separated money from the jar for mailing. I opened the box and tried to put the money back in the jar, but there was SO MUCH that it took me several tries of arranging the coins and bills to get it to fit back in the jar. This is Jackie, a person whose love overflows! I will miss her good heart, practicality, and wisdom. My heartfelt condolences to all of her family!
-Alison O’Loughlin

- Alison O’Loughlin

Greg, Brad, Scott, Matt and Jennifer, just learned of your mother’s passing. Jackie was an amazing woman who filled so many roles, we all benefited from her many talents and skills! Such a pleasure to have known her, your father, and all of you - you enriched our lives! Wishing you all the best! JR

- Jonean Ratliff

She was a great lady and friend.

- Michael and Geri Carr

I’m so sorry I didn’t know about the death of my darling friend Jackie. She was an amazing lady and I loved her

- Karen matthews