John Randolph Lambart Cavan Cunningham

1953 ~ 2022

John Randolph Lambart Cavan Cunningham, our Randy, was born November 20, 1953, in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. On Sunday, October 16, 2022, Randy passed away peacefully in his sleep. The day before, he had been joyfully working in his yard, out running errands, and ended the night with his wife, grandson, and the Dodgers baseball game. We later found out the Dodgers lost and we now joke that may have been what got Randy.

Randy’s childhood was not easy and had many challenges. He was sent to multiple foster homes until he was placed with the Wolsey family. With the Wolsey’s he found a family with nine brothers and sisters, stability, and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Randy served a mission in Mexico City, Mexico, where he learned to speak Spanish and grew to love the Latin people.

Randy worked hard his entire life. He enjoyed working in the oil fields, doing chores in his yard, and being a helping hand with the neighbors. Randy was the first one to show up and found so much joy in being there to serve others. If he could get dirty while serving, he counted it as an added bonus. It was important to him to pass his work ethic down to his kids and truly taught this characteristic by example.

Randy loved to play and watch sports especially his kids and grandkids. If the Dodgers, Red Wings, Lakers, or Packers were playing we all knew he’d be at home watching it giving the refs and players his professional advice. He loved serving in various callings for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Randy brought humor and laughter into the church on a regular basis and everyone loved him. Randy truly loved his family, his neighbors, and even the random stranger who was helping him at the butcher shop or someone passing by at Costco. It was not uncommon for Randy to greet someone with a hug and a kiss, whether the person receiving that hug and kiss were comfortable with it or not.

Randy leaves behind his wife Chris, his kids Codye (Lindsey), Katie (Casey), Ashley (Shaun), Billy (Cheryl), and Cohl. His grandkids Taylor, Blake, Carson, Kate, Alex, Johnny, Carter, Ty, Riley, Grayson, Miles, Ellie, and Harper. His siblings Brenda, Randy, Terry, Curt, Doug, Teresa, Denise, Jeanine, and Roger.

There will be a gathering on Friday, October 21, from 6:00-8:00 pm. Funeral services will be held on Saturday, October 22, at 11:00. Services will be held at the church on 115 E. Wicker Lane, Bountiful, UT 84010. Flowers may be sent to Larkin Mortuary on 260 E. South Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah. For those unable to attend, services will be streamed via Zoom. Please click on the "Watch Services" link above. A free Zoom account is required to view.


Prayers to his wife and family and his friends.
From his Canadian
cousin, Angela
May God bless you.

- Angela Christenson. (Koch)

Randy was and is so special to us. He was always very kind and accepting of everyone. He was an example of Christlike love. We are so grateful to have had him in ours lives on earth.

Brittany and Jeff Jacobson

- Brittany and Jeff Jacobson

Chris, I am so sorry for your loss.

- Cindy Bylund

Wow, what a shock. I should have helped you cut the fence posts. We love you for your impact in our lives. Nothing is more fun than a good argument with Randy. His stories are bigger than life, his love close to the Saviors being all encompassing, his service is never ending, and his ability to put others benefit over his own discomfort or pain is astonishing. He never showed if he was tired always willing to one more important thing or act of kindness. I will never forget being kissed by a guy with whiskers. Love you Randy.

- Evan Call

I’m so saddened to hear about Randy’s passing. His laughter and support around the lab will be deeply missed. I hope memories of him will bring you comfort. Keeping all in my thoughts and prayers.

- Kristen Thurman

Condolences from his Canadian cousin. Cherish the memories you hold. As we will.
Our prayers are with the family.
Cousin Colleen

- Colleen Drury

The thought of not having my big brother around is truly sad. We will all miss his love of life, his laughter, hugs and kisses. so grateful for him being part of our family. He has taught us all so much. We love you Randy. It’s a hard loss for his family and wife. Sending Chris and the Cunningham kids all our love.

- Denise and Allan nelson and family

We are so sorry for your loss even if we have lost touch over the years. We had some good visits in the short few years
we passed thru SLC. We lost Randy for a few years so I contacted the Church to find him for me, and they did, and he called,
leading to a couple of visits as we passed thru to Mexico. We haven't done that for a long time. He always said someday he would visit us in Canada but sadly that won't happen now.
I Pray for Peace and Rest for Randy and comfort for his children and grandchildren.

With affection your cousin Vera, husband Gordon, Bree-Anne and Ryan from Medicine Hat, Alberta

- Vera Cunningham Watling

I served in Mexico with Randy nearly 50 years ago. He was universally loved by companions and members, and was a successful missionary because of his love for people and for the Savior. His obituary describes him just as I remember him. God bless you, his loved ones, as you heal from your loss.

- Ray Evans

My sincere condolences to the family.

- Bill Lewis

With all our sympathy
The Wainwrights, Lebanon NH

- Marji Wainwright

In my mind Randy will forever be rolling up to office on his bike, hat on backwards, grin as big as the heart he shared with everyone he met. Condolences to all.

- Dave Driscoll

Although my interactions with Randy were brief and virtual, he was always knowledgeable, helpful and quick with gentle humor. He leaves a large hole in the hearts of all around him. Prayers for you all.

- Ann Tescher

Today is November 24, 2022 (US Thanksgiving) and I just found out that my dearest friend, Randy passed.

I had sent him birthday wishes earlier this week and knew when he didn't respond within minutes of my text, something was wrong. I last heard/texted with him, on Canada's Thanksgiving October 9, 2022. He replied immediately "berating" me for "beating him to the punch" and a wonderful message which I will cherish forever. "Love you best friend".

That says it all. Randy and I were best buds back in high school in Edmonton. He and I organized a number of basketball trips and were always together with his other best friend, Gordon McRae. I attended both Randy's and Gordon's baptism in the Church of Latter Day Saints and 40 years later joined myself.

We remained 'best friends' all these years as I have kept in touch with Randy throughout the years, tracking him down when I couldn't get him out of my head and seemed to arrive "just in the nick of time" when life was not going to well for him. And in 2014, I managed to see my best friend in Utah for the first time in 30 years. A meeting I will also cherish.

I knew you were gone Randy. Just knew it. But I know you are happy with our Heavenly Father. I shall see you again soon but I will miss you every day until that day comes. Thank you for being my friend for all these years. I will love you forever.

- Julie Ruttan, Vancouver, BC

One of the greatest people I’ve ever had the privilege of meeting. He taught me so much and passed on so much knowledge while I worked with him and beyond. He treated me like son and I will always remember him for it. I’m deeply saddened by his passing, I just found out about it today cause I tried to call him for advice and the number was disconnected. My condolences go out to all of his family. I’m going to miss you Ole man/Viejo.

- David Valles

Randy and I shared the same mother Ann. I only met with Randy a few times for a variety of reasons. We are kin and I'm sorry for his passing. My condolences to his family. I look forward to any correspondance.....

- Paul Brisley