Phyllis Grangroth

1924 ~ 2023

Obituary Photo for Phyllis Grangroth


3688 West 12600 South, Riverton, Utah
Friday Oct 13, 2023 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM


1409 West Shields Lane, South Jordan, Utah
Saturday Oct 14, 2023 1:00 PM

Funeral Service

1409 West Shields Lane, South Jordan, Utah
Saturday Oct 14, 2023 2:00 PM

Funeral Service - Virtual Attendance

Click "Watch Services" link below
Saturday Oct 14, 2023 2:00 PM

Our beloved Mother, Grandmother, Great Grandmother, and Great Great Grandmother, Oral Phyllis Grangroth, age 99, passed away peacefully on October 4th, 2023. She was born June 24, 1924 in Minneapolis, MN. She was a daughter of John Emil Haglund and Oral Olive Smith. She married Harry Bernard Grangroth on October 18th, 1942. Their marriage was later solemnized and their children were sealed to them in the Salt Lake Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints on August 12, 1974.

Phyllis had a purpose in this life, it was all about service. She loved her Savior Jesus Christ and knew that as she served others, she was serving Him. She loved the Gospel of Jesus Christ and always listened to and followed the guidance and promptings of the Spirit. Because of this, she accomplished much in this life.

As the oldest child, she helped to watch over her younger siblings in whatever way her mother needed. She was there when her sister came into the world and was also there when her sister left the world, two years ago. What a blessing it was for her and her sister when they lived in rooms across from each other in an assisted living facility. Throughout the years, she and her sister were always holding hands. When her sister passed, Phyllis was sitting beside her holding her hand. She dearly loved all her siblings and was a big sister to the end.

Throughout the years, both in Minnesota and Utah, she continued to serve through church callings, never turning down anything she was asked to do. Some of her favorite callings were, Sunday School Teacher, Primary President (7 yrs), Stake Jr. Sunday School Coordinator, Relief Society Instructor, several times as Relief Society President (16 ½ yrs over a 20 year span) and ministering to those in need. The last time she was called to be a Relief Society President, she was called at the age of 84 and released at the age of 87.

In 1982 Phyllis and her husband Harry served as Service Missionaries in the Liberty Stake Eighth Ward. Among other things, they also ministered to 28 widows, helping to address their needs each month. Eventually, they moved into Wasatch Manor in Downtown Salt Lake City and became members of the Eighth Ward, where Phyllis lived for 32 years. Besides working with her small businesses over the years, she also served in her community through volunteering both at the University of Utah Library and the Salt Lake City Main Library.

She was always interested in politics and for many years loved volunteering as a poll worker in her district. For 12 years she was the resident member of Wasatch Manor’s Board of Directors. She later decided she could be of better assistance to the residents, by starting a Resident’s Council. Because Phyllis was such a good problem solver, she would find people at her door all hours of the day, seeking advice or asking for help on personal matters.

Some of Phyllis’ favorite past-times were watching the Utah Jazz and BYU and University of Utah football games. It didn’t matter which team she watched, she would proudly cheer them on. At the age of 89, she took up painting as a hobby. She has left many of her masterpieces to her family.

Phyllis was loved no matter where she went or what she did. She has set an example for all her family and all those around her. She loved those she served and now those who so kindly served her.

We love you Mom, and you will be greatly missed!!

With our deepest appreciation, we thank all those from Inspiration Home Healthcare and Hospice, especially her nurse Jana, along with everyone at Legacy House of South Jordan who were there to give her their loving care and support throughout her stay and especially through the last few days. We would like to thank those who served in her Branch who became such a blessing in her life. She loved all of you! We would also like to express our gratitude for all the help and support given to our family from Larkin Mortuary-Riverton.

Survived by 4 children, David (Ruth), Taylorsville, UT; Bruce (Ann), West Valley City, UT; LeAnn (Rick) Clayton, Meridian, ID; and Wendy (Brad) Weber, Vernal, UT; 27 grandchildren, 93 Great-Grandchildren, 14 Great Great Grandchildren, brother Charles Kurth Haglund and many nieces and nephews. Preceded in death by her husband Harry, son Ronald, and son Daryl (Dario).

Funeral Services will be Saturday, October 14, 2023, at 2:00 p.m. at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, 1409 W. Shields Lane, South Jordan, Utah 84095. There will be a viewing on Friday, 6-8:00 p.m. at Larkin Mortuary-Riverton, 3688 W. 12600 S., Riverton, Utah 84065, and again Saturday beginning at 1:00p.m. prior to services at the church. Interment, South Jordan City Cemetery, 10630 S. 1055 W. South Jordan, Utah 84095.

To watch the previously held funeral services, please click the "Watch Services" link above.


Sending my deepest sympathies to all of you, in the passing of your dear Mom…I was so happy to have been at her 99 th birthday party.. what a beautiful lady.. with love, Maureen

- Maureen Wuollet