Rita Louise Dismer Collins

1947 ~ 2022

Rita Louise Dismer Collins returned to her Heavenly Father, surrounded by loved ones, on October 22, 2022 after a long, difficult, and courageous battle with cancer.

She was born on March 10, 1947 to Raymond and Olga Dismer in Davenport, Iowa, spending most of her childhood in New Jersey. After graduating from high school, her love for dance took her from the east coast to Utah where she received her bachelor of arts from the University of Utah. After college, she went on to teach dance at Brigham Young University.

Rita was a devout and passionate member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and it was at church where she met the love of her life, Doug. One night at Havasupai Falls in the Grand Canyon under a blanket of stars, they shared their first kiss. It was at this moment that Rita and Doug began to create a future so amazing they could not have imagined it.

Later that year, on December 15, 1972, they were sealed for all time and eternity in the Manti, Utah temple, going on to have six children. Doug and Rita certainly had their challenges, but with those challenges came many adventures, making their love stronger each and every day.

When Rita had her first child she decided to dedicate her life to being a good mother. She was an overachiever in this right, becoming the most wonderful mother a child could ever want. Rita supported her children through their many different passions and challenges, always there for whatever they needed. She absolutely adored her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchild.

Rita’s love for dance didn’t waver after she started a family. She built a dance studio in her garage where she taught neighborhood children, and she also choreographed a ward roadshow to “Thriller”. Her love for the arts also didn’t end with dance; Rita loved to paint with watercolors and sketch and has several fine works to show for it.

She also loved to read; wherever she was, you could usually find a book nearby. Over the years she read so many books that her book collection now resembles a small library. She loved to watch true crime mysteries, The Andy Griffith Show, and endured countless hours of the western channel--Doug’s favorite.

Rita was loved by so many and was always so open to welcoming others into her life. Never judging and always supportive, Rita had a special way of always making everyone feel warm and welcome, loved and special. She made the most amazing pies for her family, beautiful Christmas cookies for friends and neighbors, and she perfected spaghetti sauce for when she hosted Sunday family dinners. Being surrounded by family and friends is when she was happiest.

Rita Louise Dismer Collins was preceded in death by her parents, Raymond and Olga Dismer; her daughter, Elizabeth; and her grandson, Jandson.

She is survived by her loving husband, Douglas; her children Leslie, Sara (Albert), Benjamin, Douglas (Marz), Michael (Tanisha); her grandchildren Olivia, Gavin, Joseph, Katie, Connor, Amira, Melanie, Amber, Logan, Ella, Michael, AJ, Rhodes, Luna; and her great-grandchild Beckham, who will all miss her immensely.

Funeral Services will be held at the Bluffdale 1st Ward , 15429 S Iron Horse Boulevard, Bluffdale Utah on Saturday October 29, 2022 at 2:00 p.m. A viewing will be held the night prior, Friday October 28, 2022 from 6:00-8:00 p.m. at the church, as well as at 12:30 p.m. the day of the services.

Those wishing to view the COMPLETED services via Zoom can click the "Watch Services" button or follow the link: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/mlI0GBUV-MGb9e_ejuRXB_kVKpQlfNyevcqDHQuO9yl3eQP85jF9BprQxDjLvBv3.3Lhf1MkX-UKjmk9U?startTime=1667072098000


I am deeply sorry for the loss of Rita. Please, receive the most sincere and deepest condolences from myself and the Bernal Family. R. I.P. Rita, prayers 🙏🏼♥️ Dali and Family

- Dali Bernal

Rita was my late wife Liz's wonderful mother. She was always such a great a joy to be around. Rita stayed upbeat and positive regardless of what she was enduring and that is something quite difficult to do that I strive to achieve. It was something she made look effortless. Her glowing smile and positive disposition will be sorely missed and the world is a bit less bright with her gone. Rest in peace Rita. Thank you for always being amazingly welcoming to me. You are missed.

- Ric Taylor

What a lovely person and terrible loss for your entire family! I am SO sad and sorry for your loss! Endless prayers and well wishes from me and mine to you!!!
My 9 year old Brave would like to add;
Sorry for your loss Leslie and we will be dropping food off to your house sometime soon. Hope you feel better. - Brave.

- Candy Tolentino

Dear Collins Family,
Its hard to put into words the heavy heart and sadness. I know we all feel devastated. She was beautiful inside and out. The only thing I can do is pray for strength for everyone. She will forever be missed.
My Dear Sweet Rita! The rodeo will never be the same. I cherished the time we had together it was so fun shopping with you at the cowboy Christmas! I will be lost without you!

- Lori Collins

We were shocked to hear of the passing of Sister Collins. Our heartfelt sympathies to Doug and the Collins family. This sweet woman will be greatly missed.

- Brinton and Paulla Webb

Love and hugs sent to Doug and family. Rita was a ministering angel who served in every way. I will miss her and look forward to meeting her again some day! It was beautiful to hear of all the things she loved and accomplished in her life. Love always Dave and Julie Anderson.

- Julie Anderson

Dear Collins Family,
We are sad at the passing of Rita and extend to you our condolences and love. What a wonderful person and friend she was. She will be sorely missed. On the other hand, we are grateful her suffering is over and she is now well and happy and rejoicing in the reunion of family and loved ones.
May the Lord bless you all with peace of mind and heart as you adjust to your loss. Just try to remember, you will see her again. What a comfort and blessing that knowledge is!
Our love and condolences to you.
We love you all!
Larry and Renee Mark

- Larry and Renee Marks

Doug and Family,
I’m so very sorry for your loss. Rita was always so nice to me. I’m so blessed I had the privilege to get to know her when she was in our ward. Sending you all love, and prayers of peace and strength.

- Erin Sorenson

I’m am so sorry for your loss. She was a strong and courageous woman. She will be protecting and guiding the family from above. May she rest in peace.

- Liz Bernal

I haven't seen Rita in over 20 years, but she was our next-door neighbor when I was in kindergarten. She was my mother's best friend and likely helped keep her sane during the 18 months my dad spent in Saudi Arabia. Rita used to go for "walks around the block" with my mom, and she not only tolerated, but welcomed all the neighborhood children tramping through her house and basement - including during "Quiet Time" which was when the mothers had orange squares hung on the house doors and we children were not to go visiting.

I vividly remember being 4 years old, crying because I had been accidentally left behind when my family made a weekend trip to Logan. I immediately went to Rita, who sat with me on the porch and let me know she would take care of me until my family came back (which thankfully was probably about 15 minutes instead of the whole weekend).

She was well loved by all the many neighborhood children and my mother. Condolences and blessings to all the Collins family.

- Jill Marks

She was such a sweet lady. We will miss her so much. Our prayers are with the family. May you be comforted . Great memories of her and wonderful visits. Love your family so much.

- Tammy Steinfeldt

Words cannot express our deepest condolences to you and your ohana. We are incredibly saddened by such a great loss. Our hearts hurt for you all. Sending lots of prayers for strength, peace and health along with all our love and hugs.

- Paul, Kris, Kylie & Brooke Ward