Rylan Jeffery Kramer passed away in the early morning hours of October 17, 2022. He was born on May 9, 1996. He was 26 years old.
Rylan was as unique an individual as his name. From when he was a small child Rylan had his own way of doing things. If it was covering himself with mud and walking into the house or creating homes for his pet snakes and other critters by cutting holes in perfectly good storage containers. Climbing mountains at the speed of light. Rylan always liked to do things his own way.
Rylan loved to make others laugh and smile. He would sneak up behind you to get you to jump and then laugh. He loved all kinds of music, and you could often hear him singing and playing the guitar and piano.
Rylan grew up in Riverton, Utah, where he lived on half an acre; that was any boy’s dream. Rylan was a boy who loved to climb trees and dig holes, calling them his forts. At nights he would camp in his backyard, even though camping meant a 100-foot extension cord running from the house to his tent, providing him light, T.V, and sometimes an electric heater. He loved fishing and camping, spending many years at Spirit Lake with his family and friends.
Rylan loved his family and friends with passion and integrity. During this challenging time, the main theme about Rylan is that he always had your back and would defend the people he loved with everything he had. As one of his closest and longest friends, Tristin, said to me recently “As long as the guy she was talking to was respectful he would let him keep his kneecaps, but if he wasn’t Rylan threatened to make him eat out of a straw for the rest of his life.” You just didn’t hurt the people he loved.
He had such respect for others, being taught by his parents always to use good manners. Rylan always addressed adults as “Sir and Ma’am” or “Mr. and Mrs.”. Rylan would ask to help a stranger carry their groceries, hold the door allowing others to enter first and give whatever he had to someone in need without thinking twice. This was how he was raised, and he knew no other way.
Rylan had a loving and beautiful relationship with his mother. Not to say times were always rosy as Rylan had a way of doing things his way. This would cause his mother to do what mothers often do, which is to correct wayward behavior and set him back on track. Those who knew Rachel and Rylan could tell when Rylan’s mischievous behavior was exhibited because Rachel would raise her voice slightly and say, “Rylan Jeffrey James P.Q Henry the 3rd! You stop that right now!” I’m sure it was not Rylan Jeffrey who was doing all those naughty things, but that “James P.Q Henry the 3rd” character was causing all that mischief. In spite of all that happened, Rachel was Rylan’s “Lemon Pie.” “I love you, my lemon pie,” Rylan would tell his mother. Her reply always was, “I love you more.” Rylan and his mother shared a very special bond to the very end.
It was safe to say that Rylan was never a fan of sitting in a classroom. He spent plenty of time looking out the window, wondering what he was missing outside when he was supposed to be learning math or science. Rylan may not have had the highest GPA when he graduated from high school and traditional learning but have no doubt when Rylan wanted to learn something, and he didn’t stop till he fully understood everything about it. Rylan was a voracious reader and learner. He could tell you more about camping, hiking, and surviving in the wild than most experts. Rarely did you look over his shoulder when he was on his phone or computer and not see him researching whatever he was interested in at the time. While Rylan was not a fan of the classroom, it didn’t stop him from obtaining a bachelor’s degree in Business Management from Humboldt State University in the fall of 2020.
Rylan and Nick were typical brothers. One minute they were laughing and getting into mischief, and the next, they were wrestling together on the floor. This relationship continued throughout Rylan’s life, and while Nick lived across the country for the past few years, Nick and Rylan spoke regularly, sharing life stories and songs. Updating each other on what was going on in their lives and each giving the other advice on how to live. They were brothers in life and will continue to share the bond brothers share even as Rylan has taken his wings and soared.
Rylan has two sisters that he adored, Haley and Lexi, who live in San Diego with his father, Danny, and his bonus mom Tammy. Rylan loved these two girls so much and spoke of them often. He was so proud of them and their achievements when he would visit some of his favorite things was watching them compete in Traditional English riding and Hunter jumper, walking along the beach, and playing with their dog Zorro.
Rylan became part of a merged family in the summer of 2011 when his mom married Dave Adams. While still a younger brother to his newest older brother Austin, Rylan became an older brother to Devin. Rylan fit right in and took on the role of a big brother giving Devin advice and counsel whenever he thought Devin needed it. Devin didn’t always appreciate Rylan’s advice, but for the most part, Rylan was spot on. Devin would tell you today that he would gladly listen to one hour of Rylan’s counsel just to have him back.
Austin was Rylan’s newest older brother, and Austin loved Rylan. Last Halloween, Austin came to the house dressed in black pants, shirt, and black socks, wearing a black hat and black sandals, and walked into the kitchen. Rylan walked up from the basement and took one look at Austin and smiled. Rylan was wearing black pants, shirt, and black socks. Austin then declared, “I dressed up as Rylan for Halloween this year.” Rylan walked back downstairs, put on his black hat and sandals, stood next to his new brother, and let us take pictures.
Rylan created friends everywhere he went, and after his passing, friends from all over the country and even the world have reached out to let his mom know just what an amazing friend and person Rylan was. Rylan touched people in ways that he probably never knew. He truly cared for others and always provided encouragement and support. He was constantly sending a text or calling those he cared about regularly. Anyone who knows Rylan can likely find a text or a voicemail from him on a Monday morning that says, “Let’s have a productive week” or “You can do this!” Rylan constantly pushed us to be better than we were and better than we knew we could be.
Rylan often interjected into his conversations these 6 words “To make a long story short.” Rarely were Rylan’s stories short, especially if he knew you and was informed about the topic at hand. We would often joke with him and say, “how about a long story shorter” What we would give to hear one of those long stories today. You will be missed every day.
This is the difficult part. It is no secret to all his friends and family that Rylan took his own life on his own terms. As life often does, his path took some hard turns, as most of us have or will experience, and he didn’t feel he could reach out for help. He was always looking out for everyone else and somehow lost sight of the unique, intelligent, passionate, handsome, intriguing, incredible person he was. He didn’t do it out of anger or resentment. He just felt like there was no other way to bring him peace.
Our hope in sharing this very private and painful detail is only to bring awareness to the hurt that he was feeling and hiding. We hope that anyone who may be reading this, if you are in pain and suffering; there is always another way. Please reach out for help.
Rylan is survived by Rachel and Dave Adams (parents), Daniel and Tammie Kramer (Parents), Nick Kramer, Austin and Hannah (Luce) Adams, Devin Adams, Hailey and Lexi Kramer (Siblings), Many Aunts, Uncles and cousins (Luna, Kramer, Sanders, Adams, Boudreau), some biological and some by choice.
A celebration of Rylan’s life will be held Saturday, October 22, 2022, at 1:00 p.m. at The Chateau at the Rose Shop, 1910 East Dimple Dell Road (10600 South), Sandy, Utah, under the direction of Larkin Mortuary. For those who wish to view the celebration virtually, you may do so with the following link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84813967920. A Zoom account is required to access the service.
I would like to add a special thank you to my nephew, Sean Mueller SJPD, who was there with my baby when I couldn’t be and made sure he came to our home personally to comfort us in our worst time of need. We love you.
What an amazing young man.I pray God gives your family comfort and strength for the days to come. Someday we will be able to ask God why this happened. But until then we need to spend as much time as we can with our loved one's. Out time here is short. Love and hugs to you all .
Rylan was a fixture on our circle and a fierce protector of it - he watched out for my kids, was nice to our dog, and was constantly doing quietly kind things like taking our garbage bins off the street after they’d been emptied. He will be missed by so many.
You don't know me; however, I was reading another obituary when your son's picture caught my eye. I read his obituary and smiled and the amazing young man Ryan was and is still. My heart aches for your heart at this great grief you are enduring. I understand the loss of a cherished son.
May your heart be lifted and comforted as understanding comes to you and your family. Ryan is surely in the arms of the Lord.
With Sincerity,
Amara Blackburn